Thursday, February 27, 2014

2014 ATC Spring Tune Up

There off!
As the story goes a little engine once lacked confidence in his abilities.  To overcome the challenges he faced he set goals and recited, “I think I can” as he slowly made his way to success.  Every time runners lace up their shoes for a run or a race they face a challenge which may question their confidence.  Challenges are a way of life to a runner.  Without them how do we measure growth?  Noted author Helen Keller once stated, “Life is either a daring adventure or nothing at all”.  The ATC Spring Tune Up 8K/15K was such a race with a daring adventure.  I’m sure by participating in this event made that little engine proud of what all the runners accomplished that day. 

At 7:30AM it was a balmy 41 degrees, but that didn’t deter all the runners from lining up at the start for what would be a challenging run through the Inman Park and Freedom Parkway area of Atlanta.  Given all the recent snow storms in the area it was a great day for a run.  If you’re in the middle of your Spring Half Marathon or Marathon training this event was a great tune up race to see how your training is going.

You've got this!!
From the start of the event the course takes the runners through Inman Park, snaking us through Krog Street and Irwin heading towards the Historic Fourth Ward Park.  From there we were presented with our first ‘little engine’ moment as we turned on North Avenue for the half mile climb (death march for some) towards Freedom Parkway.  I think for many, at least me, this was definitely a “come to Jesus moment”.  Whose idea was this anyway?!?!  After that hill I’m sure many runners where glad that was over.  For the most part the rest of the course was filled with your usual road challenges you face in Atlanta, a hill here, pot hole there.  If you were one of the fortunate few that signed up for the 8K you only had to do the North Avenue hill once.  The few daring soles, like me, got to benefit the joy of seeing it twice.  Yea!!! 

So while the North Avenue hill was a mammoth of a hill… the overall course, the many volunteers, police officers, and runners made this event a great experience.  The weather was outstanding and the organizers, the Atlanta Track Club, and Inman Park community hosted a great event.  If you’re doing a Spring half or full marathon next year, or just want a good challenge then you should definitely add this event to your racing calendar.  And, like I always say… Keep Running!! ~ Big Rome
Hey! There's a race going on!

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