Monday, March 24, 2014

Running 101 - How to keep your running resolution intact.

So, we are 3 months into 2014.  How are those resolution/goals holding up?  Did you make a goal to start running, to walk then run, or to run your first 5K-marathon?  What ever the goal, you aren't alone in this journey.  Like anything; you must create a plan, a road map if you will for how you will make running a lifestyle.  Start with the basics by first walking, finding like minded friends, having a plan, and investing in yourself.

I want to learn the ways of The Force!!
As a child, you crawled before you walked, you walked before you ran.  To start running, the principles are pretty much the same.  For your first two weeks try run walking for 15 minutes at a time.  Keep it simple, go out your front door 7-8 minutes and turn back around.  No more, no less.  Remember if you want to see results you can't be afraid to push yourself.  If you can solve Pythagorean's Theorem while working out you aren't pushing hard enough.  Your first goal, should you choose to accept it, is to be able to comfortably run/walk for 15 minutes and then build from there.

"Uh, everything's under control. Situation normal."
When starting your journey don't be afraid to share in the fun.  Find a few friends with the same goals, maybe slightly more challenging than yours.  As a group you can hold each other accountable to continue running.  I find it harder to cancel on a run when I know I have to meet up with people.  Besides having an accountability partner you also have someone which you can bounce ideas off of, sign up for races, and share in the joys and pains of your new found adventure.

I sense much anger in you...
Even with a modest approach to running you will be tempted to sway.  The weather, work, family commitments, etc.  To stay on track you must have a plan.  There are many training plans out there.  Take the time to find a plan that works for you - fits your current situation or lifestyle.  At the same time, don't be locked to the plan.  Make adjustments as needed... life happens and you must address things when necessary.  Having a plan is your guide to success.  Print it out, put it on your refrigerator or on your desk at work.  Work the plan, don't let it work you.

Running is an investment, so if your motivation is low then pay yourself to run.  For every mile you run pay yourself a $1.  At the end of the week/month use your money to buy yourself something you've been wanting.  Make the investment in your new health a fun event.  If you get a new personal record in a race pay yourself a bonus - maybe $50-$100.  Let your imagination go wild.  Remember you are in control of your journey.  Make it fun.

Last but not least...  There will be ups and downs on your journey.  One week you will feel like you could run forever, the next week 1 mile could feel like a death march.  Don't let this deter you.  Just like life, running has many challenges... it's those challenges which you learn from, which you grow from.  Learn to embrace the bad days as much as you are elated with the good days.

Believe in yourself, because I believe in you and... Keep Running!!

~ Big Rome